Friday, September 24, 2004

Pickin' up and Movin' on

Wednesday I took the day off of work. I justify it as a "personal day". Fuck them anyway. I'm hourly so it's not like they have to pay me. Thursday rolls around just after lunch my boss asks me to "come with" him for a minute with a serious look on his face. I'm thinking, "oh shit. I took one too many days off and now I'm fucked". Then he tells me that we're going to a quick meeting with his boss. Oh FUCK. I get in there, shit my pants, wipe my clammy-ass hands on my pants and sit down... in my own shit. Face all hot, he begins to tell me that he wants to make me a more integral part of the company and blah blah blah... To be honest, I don't know exactly what they said to me after that because once I found out I wasn't fired I sorta just smiled and nodded my head a lot. Right now I feel a little bit like Peter Givens. I do just enough to not get fired and they end up giving me more responsibility.

TJ got a call from some company he applied to down in Columbus. I'm sorta hoping that he'll elect to stick around the Detroit-Metro area and keep his existing job at 1270 The Sports Station, but I completely understand if he moves to O.H.10 for more money. Problem is, Dr Dro and I will be bending over and taking it in the rear when it comes time to pay bills. I'd ask EB, but he's stuck... that's probably why he's been so depressed. Along with someone else I know, EB is forced to do what he NEEDS to do instead of what he WANTS to do. Damn responsibilities! DAMN THEM TO HELL! Getting older sucks. What happened to the days of innocence when your parents were on welfare but you were too happy doing stupid kid shit to notice?

1 comment:

DougEFersheezy said...

"Come-on Samir! This isn't Saudi Arabia... they're not gonna chop off your hands. This is AMERICA. The worst they would do is put you up in a white collar resort. You know they give conjugal visits there?"

"Fuck the Po-lice!"