Monday, September 20, 2004

Rollin' rollin' rollin'...

Seriously cockfaces, how difficult is it to put the new roll of TP on the holder? This is a public restroom here at work and who knows how often the damn place is cleaned. PLEASE don't set the freshly unwrapped roll of toiletpaper on the floor or on the handicapped rail. Who knows what's crawling on there? Simply remove the empty paperboard roll from the holder and put the new roll in it's place. I don't need to be wiping my ass with toiletpaper that's pre shit on. Thank you.


jeremy said...

hint? stop bottling my thunder. and i like magazine dust; it clings to the poopie and makes my arse clean enough to eat. not that you wouldn't...

DougEFersheezy said...

hint? No. I only shit at work.