Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Nothing better than Frank n' Beans & Beer

For my homo-lover:
EB: Why don't cats and dogs get along?
DEF: Because they fuckin' suck.

Today I was listening to the AM Sports radio on my way home and the station that I don't normally like actually had a good topic of discussion. Nasty things that people have had done to them or to someone they know. One caller mentioned blowing a snot rocket into someone's coffee and then stirring it with his unit. Another caller spoke of "the poopie dollar". Someone took a dump and placed the turd outside on a sidewalk. Then he placed a dollar bill over the nugget and just observed the fun. Needless to say, if I get drunk enough, I'd love to do the poopie dollar.
All of this talk on the AM got me to thinking about the time I was partying up in Canadia with Shane-O and Bogs. At some point in the night, some douche was sitting awkwardly and not paying attention to the beer he had in his had. Nonchalantly, Bogs unzips his jeans and pulls his beans out from his garden. He then casually walks up to the bottle of beer (still in the douchbags hand) and places them gently on the lip of the bottle. In a case of extreme drunken care that I have yet to witness again he stood there, balls on newly crowned king of beers for what seemed like 5 minutes while everyone laughed and rolled on the floor like giddy asian school-girls who just made their first 10,000 Yen after sucking off a Japanese businessman.

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