Friday, October 15, 2004

Polio's Bumper Sticker Theme

Here are a couple of my faves that I've seen:

Marriage = (Man) + (Woman)
Call me a liberal commie, but fuck that. Marriage is a union between two loving adults. I'm willing to bet that the percentage of hetero relationships that are abusive is higher than the percentage of homo relationships. I'm also willing to bet that homosexual parents are capable of raising a child just as well as any hetero parents. The problem is, and I'm generalizing here, the people that put bumperstickers on their car stating their definition of marriage are probably worse parents, friends and spouses than a homosexual would / could be. Oh, and unless you're patching up your bumper, you suck for having a bumper sticker on your car in the first place.

Why kill people who kill people just to show that killing people is wrong?
The impact of this really hit me when I saw the John Kerry for President sticker right under it. YES, another liberal commie like me! Regardless of the message and how much I agree with it, you're still a jackass for having a bumpersticker in your rear window.

In the meantime, I have a new favorite SBB chick.


jeremy said...

yeah, if kramer was hot. just sayin'...

DougEFersheezy said...

The only resemblance to Kramer I see is the glasses... Otherwise her face, body and pretty much everything else looks nothing like her. Good call though.

Eric Bronson said...

Thats where I got it from... it tickled me funny, so I posted.

I love you.