Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Burning Bush Theory

I have a theory about Dubya Bush and Cheney. Dubya is the born-again holy roller that skips along like a big dumb puppy. Basically, he understands a few commands that his advisers give him, but he generally just blurts the few words he knows out at random times like "terror(ist)", "resolve", "god" and "Saddam". When he's not scaring the American people into thinking we're all gonna die if he's not re-elected, he's busy stomping around the world trying to flex the American muscle of god. Cheney on the other hand is the silent, wife-beater type. Sure, in public he looks like he's a pretty soft-spoken guy. But get him behind closed doors and you'll see why he's had 13 bypass surgeries. I can almost see him bitchslapping Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld while Bush sits in the dark corner trying to hide repeating "Cheney is god. Cheney is god."

I caught most of the debates last night between Cheney and Edwards. I find it funny that Edwards talked about how both he and Kerry think define marriage as a man and a woman but those two seem to be all about the homo-love with eachother. Just look at the happy couple on their way to another honeymoon jaunt. Cheney's response to Edwards talking about gay marriage was priceless:

Cheney: Well, Gwen [Gwen Ifill the moderator], let me simply thank the senator for the kind words he said about my family and our daughter. I appreciate that very much.

Ifill: That's it?

Cheney: That's it.

Nice job Dubya. Try to get the Constitution amended with something your VP doesn't even support... jackass. Looks like Cheney couldn't quite beat the homo-hate out of Bush's bible-banging ass.

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