Tuesday, July 03, 2007


You know what's awesome? Writing about how cool things are going and then having them get fucked up within the week. The job is beginning to be frustrating due to the lack of training. I keep getting the work piling in, but I have no idea how to do most of it or who to talk to. I suppose that's what happens when working for a large corporation. Really though, I should only be blaming myself. After all... I'm the one that needs to be asking the questions when I have them. And at least I have a job. That's saying a lot here in Michigan and saying a lot more than the poor saps that keep getting laid off can.

The girlfriend and I didn't work out. IMO, it had a lot to do with the distance. Actually, it was probably mostly because of the distance. It caused unneeded stress and turned small problems into large ones. It's a real pain in the ass trying to fight stupid shit out on the phone every time. I found that many things never got resolved because we focused on just not being angry anymore instead of fixing the problems. Face time was fantastic but the rest of the time was... stressful.

So now that I have that extra time and I've been trying to keep my mind off of things, I picked up WoW again. I felt really guilty getting back into it. I'm going to try and take it easy this time around. Try to not stay up too late on work nights or let it be the only thing I talk about with my friends. Who knows what'll happen though. It's a terrific distraction though to escape the everyday bullshit... look at me justifying it again... fucking adiction...

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