Monday, October 31, 2005


I had something totally awesome to post about last week, but didn't have time to get to it while at work... so I didn't post it... then completely forgot what it was.

Bogs reminded me that I need to post more often on this damn thing so here I am.

I've been looking to buy a house lately and it's a pain in the ass. First, I called up Rock Financial to find out how much money my poor-ass could get. Speaking of Rock Financial, has anyone else been completely blown away by their recent radio ads? You know what I'm talking about. The ads where it has some really kick-ass 80's style rock guitar riffs and some schmuck singing "The Mortgage Ex---Perts." Then some backup singer chick, "800-333-ROCK!!!!". Then the guy comes back with, "100 years in the League!!". Yeah, by blown away, I dont mean "that's totally lame". I mean it's "so totally kickass that it blows your mind." Yes, David mother-fuckin Hall has finally struck gold with their ad campaign. Nothing says "Home Mortgage" more than White Snake singing 800-333-ROCK. Fuck you "Here I go Again", Hello Rock Financial.

Yeah, so getting all of this mortgage shit taken care of blows ass. Then I had to look at a realtor to help me find a house. I get this email from her this weekend letting me know that I'm too poor to afford anything. I'm beginning to think that me and my life-partner, DrDro, are gonna end up renting for the rest of our lives. We'll be the happy little homo-family renting for the rest of our miserable lives... with our 2.5 kids: 2 cats and a retarded dog.

Wish me luck with my corporate job this week. I cant say why right now, but I need it.

I dont know why because I never really liked the holiday, but I'm actually looking forward to having the kids stop by tonight to get candy. No, I dont like little boys and girls "in that way". I just think it's awesome to see how happy they get when I throw 5 candybars into their little pumpkin containers. I'm gonna end up being one of those crazy fuckers that goes overboard with all the decorations later in life... I can feel it brewing inside of me. Happy Halloween!