Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Standing in front of the fan when someone shits in it

First, the good news. CPB emailed me back and I'm gonna make an effort to keep in touch now. Who knows what we're calling eachother now; friends, cocks, aquaintences, former lovers... We'll just see how things go. Gotta get out for a beer with him in Ypsi.

Now the funny news. Seems as though EB got into a little bit of trouble for writing some comment about his ex fucking a meat-head. What a joke. Granted, EB did fly off the handle a little bit, but he in no way, shape or form said anything about her cheating on him. He stated that since he didn't know why the fuck she broke it off and the only reason she could come up with (and a really dumb one at that) was because she'd be moving to CA eventually. When's eventually you might ask. Hmm... recent estimates point to about 1 year. That's right ladies and gentlemen, her reasoning was to break up with him was because she would probably be moving to CA in about a year. I call shenanigans!

To top this all off, since she's a soccer chick living with other soccer chicks, they all have the sorority mentality and come running to her aid like EB did something wrong. Heaven forbid he actually be upset at the fact she broke up with him for quite possibly the dumbest reason ever... or at least wont tell him the truth. Then he states that maybe she'd rather bang some muscle-fuck meat-head. What chick doesn't want to be fucked and mistreated by some jackoff who goes into a 'roid induced Hulk-rage at the drop of a hat? At least he looks good, right ladies? Anyway, back to the pack mentality... So these girls and their soccer-club are pretty much a gumbo of sorority-life with all of the backstabbing, crying, beauty-queen drama mixed with a thick gravy of testosterone from workouts and training. Not to mention these are the same girls that cheat on their boyfriends. Maybe that's why EB's comment struck a chord. Perhaps he's on to your little game, ladies?

And yes, I'm in the defend EB club.