Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Stay the hell away from me if you know what's good for ya...

Holy shit, what a summer so far. I'm still a dateless basement troll, but so far it seems like a better situation to be in compared to some people I know. Left and right people are going through rough times with their significant others. Tough times people... hot ass, steamy weather and shitty relationship issues. Not a good mix.

Looks like EB is heading out to go hiking or camping or some other homo-erotic outdoorsy, tree-humping thing. No idea who he's going with, but I hope he gets some well-deserved ass. Remember EB, just make sure he drinks a lot of liquor first so he'll be more open to the idea.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

rollin rollin rollin... RAWHIDE!

Time for another bi-annual update to the trusty little blog here. I'm thinking people should print out what I have to say here and read it on the shitter. That's where this drivel belongs anyway. I'm still playing WoW... 7 months now. The worst part is, I think I'm more involved now than I used to be. We waited and waited for some others to do it, but I ended up being handed the reigns for the website for the guild website. Hey, I know that increases my dorkfactor by at least 10, but at least I get to work on a website again. I'm nothing compared to EB as far as design goes... or anything else really.

Speaking of EB, he got me started on this whole MySpace deal. Yours truly can be found here. Eric is linked off of my page so you can see his too. Since this whole MySpace thing, he's gotten in touch with some real hotties. Go figure his g/f dumps him and he gets back in contact with young, hot friends. I actually hit him up on IM about it earlier today because I got an idea:

(Names removed to protect the innocent... and EB's chances)

Let's Go LIONS! says:
are you gonna fuck this chick or what?
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
after i hump xxx
Let's Go LIONS! says:
fuckin hog
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
dude, i'm such a pimp
Let's Go LIONS! says:
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
here's my message to her:
(blah blah blah it's not important)
Let's Go LIONS! says:
yeah, you're pimp
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
There is so much pimpness I have to offer, i need a wheelbarrow to carry it all around
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
was that good?
Let's Go LIONS! says:
you're so pimp
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
i know
Let's Go LIONS! says:
I'm gonna ride your jock all the way to Pussytown.
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
Let's Go LIONS! says:
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
Get on BUCK-A-ROO!
Let's Go LIONS! says:
woop! Woop! WOOP!!!
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
Let's Go LIONS! says:
I wonder if I'll last the necessary 8 seconds there at the Pussytown Rodeo.
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
oh, you'll last, b/c you'll have me with you
Let's Go LIONS! says:
Let's Go LIONS! says:
you're gonna be around while I'm fucking?
Hung like Orestes "Macho" Lopez says:
coaching you... telling you everything will be all right

So there you have it. I'm The Bone Ranger's sidekick... Let's RIDE!