Monday, May 16, 2005

Just Call me Peter Gibbons

Haysus Kristo it's been a long time since I posted. Let's see how this goes...

I got to take my first vacation in about 2 years during the final week of April. I did absolutely nothing and loved every bit of it. Working for a corporation has given me an even greater appreciation for Office Space. I value my time spent away from my job more and more. Every monday, I find myself working towards the end of the day friday. Is this bad? No. I dont hate my job, I dont hate anyone I work with. I just find my personal time much better than doing shit I have to do for a paycheck.

So while I'm on vacation, doing nothing, I find out my coworker gets laid off. Fuckin great. Here we have a 2 person job and 1 gets laid off. Whoopee! And why? Budget cuts is the answer of course. You're taking a person who worked hard, didn't fuck up, complained a bit, did her job well, and laid her off. Then you take me, pull me into your office, tell me about how she got laid off and why, and then give me a raise.

Corporate America IS Office Space people. You get fuckwads in middle management who dont actually do anything telling the hardworkers what to do. No offense to those who dont have a "formal" education and have made it on their own, but I'd like to send out a good old-fashioned "Fuck You!" to any sycophantical, G.E.D. edjimicated, middle-management rim-jobber. Next time I'm in one of your offices, I'll be sure to let one go on your cushy chair so your boss can smell it when you plop down in it with your pleased as punch attitude.

Sure, I whine and complain that I have a lot of work to do. So would most people that are suddenly found doing the job that took 2 of you to do for the past year. I try not to bitch about it at work but this is MY blog. I DO WHAT I WANT!

Pedro found a job so that's good. I still hear the usual two things from him, but at least I can tell him to fuck off. Now when he says "I'm bored." or "I'm hungry." I can follow it up with "Go pay for something to do." or "Go buy some food." Yeah, I'm witty... Fuck you.

Oh, one last thing before I have to sign off for another month. I got my Jury Duty summoning papers over this past weekend. I'm kind of excited to go, but I'll be missing out on most of my pay. I love how jobs fuck you in the ass for doing your civic duties. Dont put preachy, christian bible bullshit all over my paycheck and then rip me off of most of my pay because I need to be a civil servant for a few days. I think you need to find a new moral compass to help guide your way to ethical treatment of employees. Either that, or take your bible compass and shove it up your ass.